Leadership Firewalk June 27th, 2009

To San Diego's Small Business Owners in the
Wellness, Empowerment and Eco-Friendly Industries

Are you in the start-up to early stages of business growth?

Would you like to be an effective leader who causes a paradigm shift in your Industry and be well compensated at the same time?

Emerge from this 4 hour training a leader in your niche capable of causing word of mouth buzz and attracting joint venture partnerships ideally suited for what you do


This 4 hours of hands on training will cut through the fluff and confusion and get right to the essence of what it takes to quickly capture the attention of other leaders and your customer and take them where they want and need to go.


From May 23rd, 2009:

Julian has been great!!  This was my second firewalk but by far the most transformational.  I have been able to take action on the very things I have struggled to accomplish for years as a direct result of Julian's coaching, the firewalk experience, and the connections I have found because of him.  Thank you Julian for everything you do.  Scott and I both felt such a profound connection with you that we see ourselves knowing you, working with you, and co-creating with you for many, many years to come. — Tracy

Chances are remote that I will not accomplish my task. If I was willing to walking on hot coals for my book, surely I’ll walk through whatever comes in my path to accomplishing my goal. Julian’s coaching was also extremely helpful in that it widened my vision to clearly see new possibilities for bringing forth Core Mastery. Thank you , Julian! – Jitendra

I first saw people walking on fire at “Survivor” (TV program) and thought “wow! how do they do that?”   Now, after having done that myself, people are asking me, “wow!  how did you do that?”  The experience gave me a sense of confidence that if I put my mind to it, I can work through my fears and do it anyway.  It started a pattern inside of me to take risks on a daily basis.  And to me, this is huge.  I am grateful to Julian for his courage and passion to help others transform their lives in such a unique and powerful way. -Yoshiko


Event Details

Live Event

Date: June 27th, 2009 (Saturday)
Time: 6-10pm
Location: San Diego Area

Conference Call

Post-event Followup Call: Wed 7/1 & 7/8 @ 7-8pm


Tuition: $100

This include:

4 hours of hands on marketing mentoring on June 27th

2 hours of group coaching by phone after the event




Note: A portion of the proceeds will go to the GP2 Project, a progressive initiative to cleanup the swirling mass of waste and toxic plastic in the ocean that is harming sealife and putting toxic chemicals into our food chain.


This firewalk Event is Now Past


Marketing Buzz Firewalking Experience by Yoshiko

I got the following feedback from Yoshiko after the Firewalk last weekend. Her specialty is coaching people through career and life transition to what they want to do that is aligned with their true nature and purpose. Her handwriting analysis session is really great, too. I did the compatibility report, and her findings provided me with a deeper insight into the dynamics of my relationship with my girlfriend.

Hi Julian,

I first saw people do firewalking at "Survivor" (TV program) and thought "wow! how do they do that?"   Now, after having done firewalking myself, people are asking me the same question.  The firewalking experience gave me a sense of confidence that if I put my mind to it, I can work through my fears and do it anyway.  It started a pattern inside of me to take risks on a daily basis.  And to me, this is huge.  I am grateful to Julian for his courage and passion to help others transform their lives in such a unique and powerful way.

Yoshiko Inagaki
Life Purpose Coach







Marketing Buzz Firewalk Experience by Salvatore

I always think of fire as a type of cleansing, with automatic cauterization, if you will. In that regard it is very much a medium of purification. The firewalk did a lot of that for me. It cleared my mind and helped me see the challenges I have to face with my business.

In placing my journey to the success on the hot coals, I was able to identify the weaknesses that my journey would bring out in me. The main one was losing focus. I went over the hot coals twice because the first time I firewalk, I completely lost sight of my goal and all intentions as soon as the heat became too much to bear. My energy scattered. Now I know exactly what my challenge is in my journey and I am well-prepared to deal with it.

Thanks, Julian!

Salvatore Pacilio Numerologist

Salvatore Pacilio Numerologist

Salvatore Pacilio

Karma Numerologist
NeuroVision Academy
Tshirt Bazillionaire

Marketing Buzz Firewalk Experience by Kate

Kate was was struggling with the next steps for her career as a healer. During the firewalk training she was energized and empowered about the options available to her.

Here is more in her own words about what she got from the Firewalk Experience:

Julian's Firewalking Adventure created a safe place — a community — for each of the attendees to share their dreams with each other, encourage each others' success and push our boundaries. Through our explorations of our vision, our promise to deliver on commitments to realize that vision and our leap into the (physical) fire, we each left empowered, energized and ready to take on the world!


Marketing Buzz Firewalk Experience by Jitendra

Jitendra offers group trainings and personal consultations that teach people how to:

  • know who they are
  • understand their life purpose
  • overcome fear that prevents them from actualizing their life purpose
  • embody unconditional love for themselves
  • use their physical heart to re-code their limbic and neural systems
  • awaken to the full spiritual realization of who one is

Here is what he got from the event:

Chances are remote that I will not accomplish my task. If I was willing to walk on hot coals for my book, surely I’ll walk through whatever comes in my path to accomplishing my goal. Julian’s firewalk coaching was also extremely helpful in that it widened my vision to clearly see new possibilities for bringing forth Core Mastery. Thank you , Julian!

Jitendra Darling

Core Mastery

Marketing Buzz Firewalk Experience by Jeremy

Jeremy McKay offers Internet Marketing Consulting for Fine Artist selling and promoting their art online.

I have doubts, we all have similar doubts worries and fears, I am not saying the Firewalk removed the doubts.  I can still sense them, and I accept them as a part of me.  I clearer and the other parts of me that were not fully on board, probably still are not, but they are willing to let me call the shots.  The Firewalk provided a boost of confidence to my conscious and unconscious mind, that together with a little bit of faith we can accomplish anything we dream.

Jeremy also told me separately he had a breakthrough in creating and promoting his own art.

Marketing Buzz Firewalking Experience by Marisa

Marisa is an interior decorator of fine homes and luxury yachts. She also contributes her time to help kids have more opportunities for art in their lives. Who experienced firewalking.

So what opened up for me from firewalking was an empowering belief that people who walk on fire are not victims and willing to take risks to have what they want. Firewalking is encouraging.
All of my concerns about not being good enough was snuffed out from walking across the fire. I felt very powerful and confident like I can do anything!

Marisa Reed
Art for Everyone

Marketing Buzz Firewalk Experience by Tracy

Tracy is creating a healing and wellness retreat center: experienced firewalk

Julian has been great!! This was my second firewalk but by far the most transformational. I have been able to take action on the very things I have struggled to accomplish for years as a direct result of Julian's firewalk coaching, the firewalk experience, and the connections I have found because of him. Thank you Julian for everything you do. Scott and I both felt such a profound connection with you that we see ourselves knowing you, working with you, and co-creating with you for many, many years to come.

Tracy Merritt

Firewalk Experience by John the Healer

John Dorr is a shaman and healer from Minnesota has Firewalk Experience.

1 Week Later:

I sincerely appreciate having had the opportunity to do the firewalk with you and the rest of the group.  For me, both you and the group made it the perfect experience.  While I was not there for the business aspect of doing the firewalk, it was a very significant experience.  It was sort of a jump-start of this important shamanic journey committed as a Healer

Again, thank you all for a very timely and perfect experience.

Namaste, John

6 Weeks Later:

Looking back the firewalk helped me in several ways.  Most importantly, it has helped me to concentrate and focus on a particular goal.  When I am having trouble staying with a an idea, subject or thought, I recall doing the firewalk and focusing on the goal at the end of the fire and I am able to block out all my distractions and regain my focus.

Thank you again for the opportunity.  I had been wanting to do it for several years but never had the opportunity.

Take care,


"We are all children of the same universe.
Be at peace with your God, whatever you perceive him to be.
All that we are is a product of our thoughts.
Do not count your successes by the crops you reap but by the seeds you sew."

Firewalking to Ignite the New Economy May 23rd

To San Diego's Small Business Owners,
Sales People and Self-Employed Professionals:

Are your existing clients and customers not buying as much or often as they use to?

Are you relaunching your career as an entrepreneur and not making enough money to go full time?



Create a Word of Mouth Buzz that attracts an abundance

of clients and generates plenty of income now!


Ignite sales in your business and no longer be shackled

to the limitations and fears about the current economy



You Can Ignite San Diego's Economy – Starting with You (Firewalk May 23rd)

On May 23rd, there will be a 4 hours Firewalk training tailored to the needs of small business owners, coaches, sales people and self employeed professions that will help you blast through these obstacles and get to where you want to be.

Here is an overview of what will happen

1. You will learn how to create a buzz around what you are doing in your business. You will get out of your comfort zone and the old ways of doing things, and learn the essence of sharing your business that naturally attracts people to you


2. You will identify and commit to the most important few actions that will make the biggest difference in increasing your sales and revenues immediately. You will have an opportunity to put acountability into place.

3. You will be outrageous and unstoppable in completing those actions powerfully and quickly and generating more income right now

If you are responsible for the performance of other people, or facilitate a network or team of people up to important things, consider inviting them to this event. I promise they will have a breakthrough in sales productivity and growing their business.


Consider this:

1. Shifting the mass perception of the current world wide financial situation requires months or years and millions of people to change their view

2. You can shift your outlook in an instant and write a completely different future than the one handed to everyone else, a future where you have a choice and a say how it goes.

Firewalking Event Details

Date: May 23rd, 2009
Time: 5:45-9:45pm
Location: San Diego area


Tuition is usually at least $70 for the Firewalking Experience event. San Diego Firewalking hosted at a private firewalking on May 1st were tuition was $175. I still value my 1st Firewalk experience at at $500, for how it helped reshape the direction of my life.  People keep asking why this Firewalk costs so little to attend. We are committed to making an enormouse contribution in transforming the San Diego's economy.

Because the Firewalk is Memorial Day weekend and many people are struggling to launch their businesses, we have removed all financial obstacles to doing this.

1/2 Price Tuition

$35 per person


More About Firewalking

For hundreds of years, the Firewalk ceremony was a rite of initiation for communities to celebrate and empower their tribes or villages. The principles still apply today and are empowering people to make a difference and help ignite San Diego's economy.
Here are the experiences many people have have reported from Firewalking:
  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set an intentions and direction that inspire and motivate
  • More courage and power to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projects
  • Opening to experience love and compassion
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

Here is further reading on the Top 7 Benefits of Firewalk

About the Firewalk Leader:

Julian D. Bergquist creates and delivers empowerment programs that help small business owners and self employed professionals increase their revenues and grow their businesses.

Transform Your Business Now

This event has already passed. Please signup on sidebar to receive invite to next Firewalk Experience.