Firewalk for Quattro University’s Closing Ceremony May 1

Here are the Youtube videos of firewalk from Quattro University's closing ceremony last night. Vincent J Kellsey with  Quantum Success Group led a group of about 60 entrepreneurs and small business owners through the firewalking experience to ignite their passion and achive greater results.  

Here is the Official Site for Quattro Firewalks.

Firewalking San Diego helped at this event by handling many of logistics and preparing the fire for the successful evening.

The event took place at the Kona Kai (Shelter Island) on San Diego Bay.

The next San Diego Firewalk for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs is May 23rd.


Quattro Firewalk, firewalk San Diego, firealking los angeles

Quattro Firewalk with Vincent J. Kellsey about to begin

Firewalking and MLM by Tommy J

Tommy J has Firewalk 3 times. Though I don't usually encourage kids under the age of 18 to Firewalking, I allow it if they are very drawn to do it and the parents support it and take 100% responsibility for them.

I don’t know how to quantify how firewalking has helped me and my family. Since our family has done firewalking I have gotten divorced & my son took his 5th trip to the hospital. I have not drawn on the firewalking experience to help me through tough issues or even to motivate me to achieve anything. The most significant aspect of the whole experience to me was observing my monkey when I came to firewalk for the second time. That time I had helped make the fire and was very connected to it & the physics of it. My monkey was well aware of the danger associated with the fire, my monkey was afraid of the fire and especially of the thought of walking through it. In the end I spanked the monkey and pushed him through the fire, but it was very interesting to watch his reactions. I must say it has served to demonstrate to me that I have a monkey, not that the monkey has me.

After the 2nd Son Firewalked:

Firewalking has had a profound effect on our family. As you know I have two Special Needs kids who have been dealing with devastating emotional issues. Both of my boys have walked through fire under your guidance. This have given them an expanded understanding of their personal power and their ability to move through other emotional blocks. Both boys have made tremendous progress since their experiences with you. After All, how difficult can group therapy be after you have walked through fire, Right?

Thanks for supporting my kids

Tommy J., Marketer

My 1st Firewalk Experience (losing my fire virginity)

I found an old email from when I firewalked the first time in 2000 with Michael McDermott. What I recall is my Life Coach at the time was going to fire me as a client because I had the same complaints after almost a year of working with her. She told me I had to go do a firewalk.

Below is the email I sent out to my friends the day after I Firewalked. Looking back this experience forever shaped the course of my life. The experience is invaluable. 


By Julian D. Bergquist

August 20, 2000

Hi Friends,

I went to a firewalk last night in Redmond, WA. A What? Firewalk. You know, walk on hot coals. Some of my friends and family said i was crazy and had lost it. There were about 25 people in attendance. Seven of us walked on the coals, the other eighteen were voyuers or just curious. I walked twice over a 6" deep, 10 foot long bed of coals and did not get even the slightest of a burn. I was not in a trance or possessed by some spirit. I was scared shitless. I felt a huge wall of fear just before my feet stepped on the coals, but once i hit the fire the fear went away as i walked toward the end of the coals as quickly as possible, but without getting burned. I don't have an explanation for why i didn't get burned, but here is how the exiting event unfolded. At the end of this letter you will find more information about firewalking and several theories about what makes it possible. It isn't as cooky as you might think. Also you can subscribe to my personal newsletter.

It was 6pm when I arrived at the outdoor retreat center in Redmond. I am wondering what the hell have i gotten myself into. All i know is that i am ready for some changes in my life. Maybe if i take drastic measures i will get drastic results. The firewalk instructor named Michael ( ) was burning some sage and sweet grass in a small little fire about the size a homeless person would burn under a bridge. There is a stack of of dozen small boards near the fire. I think that maybe this is the wood that will be used. No problem. Maybe enough wood for one quick step in the fire, in and out. Find out later these boards will be used for a board breaking warmup to prepare us for the coals.

After the sage and grass offerings burn down, Michael rakes out the coals to the side and asks if i will help him stack the wood. Off to the side by the black berry bushes is about a cord of wood. We begin stacking the wood 2 rails wide and about 5 feet high in a criss cross pattern. Other people show up and help with the wood stacking. Michael tells us that stacking the wood is helping us to get into the proper head space. When we are done we have a big ass pile of  wood 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and 5 feet high. Enough wood to keep my house warm through the entire month of january with the front door wide open. I say that there is at least 100 split logs in the stack.

7pm rolls around and we begin. Michael lights the fire and begins dumpings about a gallon of kerosene on the fire. The fire is now flaming 10 feet in the air. For the next 15 minutes the flames grow to 20 feet in the air. I'm sitting 20 feet away mesmorized by the intense heat and beauty of the fire.

Finally the instruction begins. Everyone gets in a circle and shares our name and why we came. I say i want to learn to transform fear into a creative force in my life. I'm tired of living in fear. "I you have lost your marbles" i think to myself. "Can't you come up with a better way to conquor fear."

Michael talks about intention and that 100% focus on our intention is going to be the deciding factor that makes our firewalk a success. Michael picks up a 1 foot square board that is 1" thick. He says that normally you need some martial arts training to break this with your hands, but he will teach us to do it in just a couple of minutes. He talks about visualization and seeing our hand and energy driving through the board and at least several inches beyond. A little discussion of technique (rotate hips, explode, pull other hand in to chest, etc) and we began. We write on the front of our board our fear and on the back what we want after we break throught the fear. I write "fear of failure" on the front and "success/psychic" on the back since i want to be financially successful and to develop my psychic abilities to help other people. I break my board with one explosive punch. My hand didn't hurt even though i have a sore wrist and fingers from all the computer work i used to do. Adrenaline was pumping hard now.

Now off to the side of the fire Michael sets down a practice runway on the grass. He shows us the proper technique for firewalking the first time. Drive toward the goal 3 feet past the end of the fire. Get yourself in and the hell out of the fire. Michael talks about how he has been burned very bad and couldn't walk for a month. Right now would not be the best time for a visit to the hospital. 100% focus and being in a high energy state is required. You can't be lethargic or scattered. After we practice the firewalk we wait another 30 minutes for the coals to form. I stare at the coals wondering if firewalking for the first time is kind of like losing your virginity.

Michael uses a 8 foot long rake to form the coals in to a 10 foot runway about 2 feet wide and 6" deep. We take our practice run one more time on the grass.

Now began the real things. Michael firewalks first. Then 5 other people. I'm last. My nerves are fried like i had hadn't slept in 2 days or as though i was about to be introduced to a famous person i had always wanted to meet. I take a few steps forward but i just can't go those past few steps to the coals. It felt like mount everrest was in front of me and would just not budge. I try several more times. I step back and tell the next guy he can go again. My knees were quaking like when i had to give an oral book report in 5 grade.

Thus starts the mind game. I think that i have this wonderful opportunity in front of me and i wonder if i can live with myself if it let it pass. What if my feet burn and i need skin grafts? (Fortunately before coming i had checked to make sure i had paid my insurance for the month.) What if what everyone told me is right, that i'm crazy for even trying? I told you so, i could hear them saying. Then i began thinking about the many opportunities i have let pass me by because of fear. Will i continue this cycle for the rest of my life? No! i tell myself. I want happiness and success. I want a career i will enjoy. I want to help people. I want to eliminate my debt and have plenty to enjoy.

I step up again to walk. My heart is racing, my energy is high, i'm scared. From 6 feet away the fire is hot. I look past the end of the fire and put all my concentration there. One of the guys who walked already walked up and tells me something encouraging. I think he said that i have created many illussion of fear and now is my opportunity to break through them. I don't remember for sure what he said, but it was enough to assure me i could do it. I put my focus on the goal 3 feet past the end of the fire. This time i walked on coals.

I don't remember feeling anything, i had one thing on my mind: get the hell to the other side. Three seconds later i was on grass. Ten minutes later i did it again. I was just as scared the second time i walked. I noticed my focus drifting toward my feet during the last step. When i got to the grass i kicked off any remaining embers. They felt tingley, but there were no burns at all. After the second walk i decide that i have had enough for the night. I don't want to push my luck, my focus was beginning to diminish.

My world didn't change drastically in those three seconds or in the hours to follow. But i have begin readying myself to move through some of fears in other areas of my life that are preventing me from enjoying life to the fullest. I learned a tremendous amout about focus and having a singleness of mind. I don't think that firewalking is for most people, but i'm glad i did it. I think i will probably do it again sometime. The fire seems to have many lessons to teach.

Marketing Buzz Firewalking Experience by Miche & Phoenix

Miche and Phoenix started the first organization to cleanup the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The GPGP is an enormous collecting grounds of trash and plastic in the middle of the Ocean that harms wildlife and toxifies our food chain. Has experienced firewalking :
Firewalking is AWESOME!  We busted through barriers of fear, self-doubt, hesitancy & even terror– freeing ourselves to be in powerful ACTION to fulfill our life passions!
For immediate results, Do Firewalking !


Miche Walsh & Phoenix Grace
Act Globally, Think Universally, Inc.
San Diego, CA

The Obstacle Surgeon

Question: Why Do People Fail at their Goals?

Answer: Their actions are insufficient to overcome the obstacles they encounter.

These obstacles are two fold. I assert that either

1. They don't know what needs to be done or how to do it. Basically, they lack the training, or

2. The have inner obstacles, resistances, indecision or limitations that prevent them from doing what is needed to make what they say a reality

I will not address #1 in this post.

I will assume that if you are reading this post you have a sufficient amount of understanding and insight to be successful if you just executed what you know.

The Obstacle Surgeon

I am not a "Sales Trainer" of the specific technique to use when selling to your clients and customers. You may be wondering then why you should listen to me.

I'm an expert at helping people identify the critical obstacles that prevent them from having what they want. I then help people remove these obstacles so they can create the results easily and quickly.

I specifically work with entrepreneurs, self-employeed professionals and sales people to empower them to be powerful leaders and successful in their field.

The Obstacle Surgeon

Simple Obstacle Removal Process

1. Identify what you want. In business, this is the next measurable goal or objective you will focus on

2. Ask yourself, "What is preventing me from fulfilling on this right now, easily and quickly"

3. Behind each of these issues there is a limiting belief, experience or conversation you have with yourself that prevents you being in action

4. You have 2 options:

a. Just Do It – Do what needs to be done anyway even if you have obstacles or don't feel like doing it

b. Get Coached – work with a business coach who works with people in your field to help you remove these. This will help you more quickly and easily get your results

Firewalk to Ignite the New Economy April 18th, 2009

To San Diego's Entrepreneurs, Coaches,
Sales People and Self-Employed Professionals:

Are your existing clients and customers not buying as much or often as they use to?

Are potential clients hard to find, or give excuses about "the economy" and not having the money right now?

Ignite sales in your business and no longer be shackled

to the limitations and fears about the current economy


You could actually be thriving right now, not just surviving, by having plenty of clients and business.

The key is to face head on your biggest challenges to getting more customers and clients.

  • Are clients skimping and not  buying right now?
  • Are products or services you offer not seeling as well?
  • Are potential clients no longer coming to you like they use to?
  • Do you need to learn to market or hire someone to help?
  • Do you need more referrals?
  • Do you tired of the same objections even though you have an excellent product or service?

No matter what  challenges you are facing, there is something  that you don't know or are feeling confused or overwhelm about that is preventing you from being powerful in the face of this challenge.

Igniting San Diego's Economy (Firewalk April 18th)

On April 18th, there will be a 4 hours Firewalk training taylored to the needs of entrepreneurs, coachessales people and self employeed professions that will help you blast through these obstacles and get to where you want to be.

Here is an overview of what will happen

1. You will get clarity and support about the biggest challenges you are facing in your specific business or occupation

2. You will identify and commit to the most important 1-2 actions that will make the biggest difference in increasing your sales and revenues immediately

3. You will be outrageous and unstoppable in completing those actions powerfully and quickly and generating more income right now

Consider this:

1. Shifting the mass perception of the current world wide financial situation requires months or years and millions of people to change their view

2. You can shift your outlook in an instant and write a completely different future than the one handed to everyone else, a future where you have a choice and a say how it goes.

Event Details

Date: April 18th, 2009
Time: 5:15-9:15pm
Location: San Diego area


At the Event

$70 per person
$100 per couple

(A portion of the proceeds go to Breast Cancer 3 Day)

More About Firewalking

For hundreds of years, the Firewalk ceremony was a rite of initiation for communities to celebrate and empower their tribes or villages. The principles still apply today and are empowering people to make a difference and help ignite San Diego's economy.
Here are the experiences many people have have reported from Firewalking:
  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set an intentions and direction that inspire and motivate
  • More courage and power to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projects
  • Opening to experience love and compassion
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

About the Firewalk Leader:

Julian D. Bergquist creates and delivers empowerment programs that help small business owners and self employed professionals increase their revenues and grow their businesses.

Event is Over

Event is now past

7 Reasons NOT to Firewalk

I usually answers the question of why people SHOULD consider attending a Firewalk training or ceremony (Top 7 Reasons People Firewalk). This time I will answer why people SHOULD NOT attend a Firewalk. If you are attracted or hold tightly to any of the following than maybe Firewalking is not for you.

Why NOT to Firewalk

1. Being Irresponsible: If you are not willing to take responsibility for the outcome of your life, don't attend a Firewalk. Critical to firewalk is your willingness to accept responsibility for the outcome of your actions. Often there is a huge potential upside to a potential set of actions, but their is also a risk. If you cannot accept the risk, than don't even bother doing it.

2. Thinking it Through: This usually turns into analysis paralysis. The most important opportunities that will make a difference in your life will probably require a quick decision. Powerful opportunities move quickly, and you want to be able to  identify and commit to great opportunities when they cross your path before somebody else takes it first. If you feel more comfortable analyzing and thinking things through rather than taking action, then don't attend a Firewalk.

3. Nothing is Sacred: The Firewalk is traditionally a rite of initiation to celebration and empower local and religious communities. If you don't feel a pull toward the realm of the sacred and spiritual then don't attend a Firewalk. Stay home and watch Myth Busters on TV.

4. Creature of Routine: If you are a creature of habit and don't like to expand yourself and try new things, then definitely don't attend a Firewalk. If you have been a creature of routine in the past, but would like to transform what is not working, then race to your next Firewalk in your area. Or even fly to one in another city as soon as possible.

5. Low Levels of Awareness: Do you love staying unaware of your full potential in life? Do you consider yourself a finite being? If you are content with the limits of who you currently know yourself to be, don't go to a Firewalk. Firwalking expands your awareness of who you are and how you can live powerfully in life.

6. Complaining and Negativity: If you like to complain and dwell on obstacles and challenges in your life, rather than climb over them, around them or blast through them, whatever it takes, then stay at home or go chat over coffee with your friends about those crazy Firewalkers.

7. Commited to Fear and Worry: I doubt anyone will readily admit to this, but many, many people demonstrate their committment to this with their actions. If you  stay in fear or worry more than a few days or weeks at the most, you are stuck. Living Powerfully is alway pushing the envelop, and fear will show up. But if you are still stopped about what you want because of fear and worry, it is time to get unstuck. But if you are really committed to staying small, then don't attend a Firewalk.

Next Firewalk

Register here to get an announcement to the next Firewalk.

Igniting San Diego’s Economy on April 18th for Earth Day 2009

To San Diego's Residents and Tourists

Do you feel doubt or uncertainty regarding your job or business, finances or housing?

Would you like to feel that you are thriving right now, not just surviving?

How to Live Powerfully in the Face of Uncertainty


Would you like to know how to stop being worried or fearful about what will happen next, and instead what you can do about it now!

If you turn on the TV and Radio for 5 minutes, open your email Inbox or Internet browser, or walk into a shop and ask any small business owner what is going on, what will you hear and see?

Almost every news cycle and advertising speaks of the economic woes. I bet if you are not feeling it yourself in your income or saving, someone you care about is feeling it right now.

1. Shifting the mass perception of the current world wide financial situation requires months or years and millions of people to change their view

2. You can shift your outlook in an instant and write  a completely different future than the one handed to everyone else, a future where you have a choice and a say how it goes.


  1. Make a decision for what you want
  2. Set an intention  to do your part to achieve it
  3. Invite your Aumakua or Divine Nature to open the Way


Some people have reported:

  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set an intentions and direction that inspire and motivate
  • More courage and power to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projects
  • Opening to experience love and compassion
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

Live Powerfully Initiation

Date: April 18th, 2009
Time: 5-9pm
Location: Vista, CA 


$69 per person
$99 per couple 

Early Bird Special $20 off till 4/15 (tax day)

$49 per person
$79 per couple 

$20  members of the San Diego Firewalker's Club

Firewalk Leaders:

David Manawanui Bergquist


Please RSVP if you will be attending by completing the form below. You will receive a follow up email with the address and map to site, and some additional pre-event instructions.


2009 Kickoff Firewalk 1/10/2009

2009 Kickoff Firewalk

Date: Sat, January 10th, 2009
Time: 4-8pm (Fire is lit at 4:30pm)
Location: Vista, CA

Costs: Donation Requested
Donations of $10-200 per person or couple is requested to cover the costs of firewalk, with any extra going to help the homeless in the San Diego area.


  • Julian D. Bergquist (Live Powerfully)
  • Kevin Cole (Empowerment Quest)

If you have children, they are invited to attend with you, but its requested they not attempt to walk on hot coals.

RSVP Requested so we will know how many people will be attending. When you register below you will receive an email with the address of the location of the firewalk.

Some of the Communities in Attendance:

  • San Diego Coaches and Clients
  • Empowerment Quest
  • Landmark Education
  • San Diego New Thought and Spiritual Churches

Top 7 Reasons People Firewalk

The following is what inspires people to attend a firewalk for the first time. No one reason is any better than another. What I hear from experienced firewalkers is that they frequently get what they come for, and in many cases get something completely unexpected. I am continually impressed that the Firewalk experience is such a rich experience for people.

  1. Courage – Powerful Action in the Face of Fear
    This is what consistently entices the most people to attend a firewalk. I've written an entire article about this that I will send in a few days.
  2. Empowerment to Transform Life
    A Firewalk Experience can be like a booster shot to give you the keys to transform your life. For example, people have given up bad habits or manifested large amounts of money in short periods of time. Some people say they are looking for courage and empowerment to end a bad relationship or improve quality of a current relationship.
  3. Sacred Ceremony
    Many people come to the fire in a sacred manner looking for a deeper level of heart, soul, trust, and openness in their life. They may heal a past hurt or wound or connect in a profound way with something they consider god or sacred.
  4. Expand Vision and Dreams of what is Possible
    Remove the constraints and limitations that keep your Vision and Dreams small. So many times we think we can't have what we want because of our past experience or failures. People realize they haven't dreamed big enough and are looking to create a vision for their life that inspires them every day and calls them into action.
  5. Shift in Perceived Limitations of the Physical World
    Many times I hear people boldly exclaim, “I walked on fire, I can do anything I put my mind to”. This is very true and a great place to be. This realization allows a person to approach any area of their life with enthusiasm and power.
  6. Practice Using Power of Intention
    Many people are already familiar with the power of intention to live a successful life. When they hear about Firewalking, they want to discover if it is their positive intention that enables their safety.
  7. Try Something New
    Firewalk is fun, and there is always a few people at a firewalk who just love to try new things and experience all the joys and beauty of life in every form. They find the idea of firewalking very curious and always up for a good time. They walk in fun and celebration.