Firewalking 1/18/2009 Shifting Perceptions / Shifting Lives

We are extremely powerful divine energy beings who are co-creators of the multiverse.

The primary thing we create is our reality and we do that by the thoughts we choose, the words we use to solidify those thoughts and the emotions we select to amplify it all. If we choose to commit ourselves to a path of higher awareness it only takes a small shift in what we believe to start the journey. A willingness to shift belief is also a necessary stepping stone on the pathway to higher awareness, which coincidentally is inherant to firewalking. Suddenly the question becomes what other beliefs have I accepted as truth without an adequate test or adequate prospective.

If I can walk on 1000 degree hot coals and not burn my feet what else can I do that I never thought I could?

It is a physical, mental and spiritual experience. It does not take hypnosis or an altered state of consciousness to walk safely. It does take 100% of your attention.

Firewalking presents an indication that a person has faced and overcome fear. This is not like parachuting or bungee jumping because the individual must rely upon themselves for safety rather than technology. A Firewalk requires a person rely on and trust their innermost and higher selves for protection. It is this self reliance that makes Firewalking such a transformational experience. We are extremely powerful beings and and our Firewalk Seminar demonstrates how to access this unlimited potential and use it to walk across glowing 1200 degree hot coals.

The way to walk coals is in a state of personal empowerment with intention and positive expectation. It is not prudent to run skip or hop. It is necessary to control thoughts and maintain the appropriate mental state. It is a state of total empowerment leaving all doubt stored in an inaccessable area. To really know when you are ready it is necessary to stand in front of the glowing embers and feel the heat radiate all the way up your legs and then ask yourself the question. Can I do this safely today? Even if the answer is no just being part of a group where some Firewalk is amazing. The feelings of elation, excitement and personal power after a Firewalk is astounding. Salespeople and management teams that share a Firewalk also share phenomenal success and achieve as never before.


  • To experience concrete evidence that you are an extremely powerful being capable of astounding achievements.
  • To know what it feels like to access your infinite potential and feel total empowerment on demand for any life situation
  • To confront fear and realize the greatest detriment to your success in any endeavour is excessive uncontrolled fear.
  • Firewalking is alot of fun and causes the body to produce endorphins that produce a certain euphoria.

Yes it is that easy. It only takes abou 5 minutes to show 80% of the people how to do it. It feels alot like walking on popcorn. It is a wonderful experience and a great deal of fun and a natural team-builder.

Shifting Perceptions / Shifting Lives

Date: Sun, Jan. 18th
Time: 3-7pm
Location: Coronado Beach
Costs: $25 (bring cash or check)

Juan Carlos Quesada

Register below if you plan to attend. When you register we'll send you the exact location on the Coronado Beach where this will be.

2009 Kickoff Firewalk 1/10/2009

2009 Kickoff Firewalk

Date: Sat, January 10th, 2009
Time: 4-8pm (Fire is lit at 4:30pm)
Location: Vista, CA

Costs: Donation Requested
Donations of $10-200 per person or couple is requested to cover the costs of firewalk, with any extra going to help the homeless in the San Diego area.


  • Julian D. Bergquist (Live Powerfully)
  • Kevin Cole (Empowerment Quest)

If you have children, they are invited to attend with you, but its requested they not attempt to walk on hot coals.

RSVP Requested so we will know how many people will be attending. When you register below you will receive an email with the address of the location of the firewalk.

Some of the Communities in Attendance:

  • San Diego Coaches and Clients
  • Empowerment Quest
  • Landmark Education
  • San Diego New Thought and Spiritual Churches

What is True Courage?

Courage is doing whatever needs to be done regardless of how you feel.

The simple answer for getting unstuck is to be courageous and do whatever you need to do.

But this is very challenging at times. Instead, we find other ways to avoid the challenge, or to cope or heal our “internal wound”, or whatever you call the source of the block you have.

Healing is important work and I’m not saying there isn’t a place for this. And there are some really great techniques out there that help to heal and eliminate some of the fear and resistance so you can get back in the action. There are NLP, EFT, “anchors”, and hypnosis, just to name a few. And you can use a coach to help you walk through these processes.

These are all great tools, but there is something more fundamental at play here. Those tools are not the key to living an amazing and powerful life. They do not replace the fact that you must still act courageously, even when you use those tools.

The key to living a powerful and effective life is Courage. No matter how big the problem, no matter how big your fear, if you can act courageously when presented with an opportunity, you can have anything you want.

Life only gives you the opportunities that you are ready to take advantage of. One of the reasons you likely didn’t take advantage of the many opportunities presented thus far was your fear. So life keeps giving you the same opportunity over and over until you move through it so you can be ready for the next step. When you can act courageously on the opportunities life gives you now then you will be given greater opportunities, until your life looks exactly like you have always dreamed. Each time a new opportunity is presented you may have some level of fear. You then step courageously through the experience to the next one. This is the process to follow so you can have anything you want.

I believe that most of us have some hopes for comfort, relaxation and ease in life. When fear comes up and all the stories with it, it so much easier to say, “this is too damn difficult” and forget about it. But it will come back again next time the situation arises, and thus continue the same cycle. It is the wrong time for comfort and ease when courage is called for. There is plenty of time for rest between your moments of power.

What Courage is NOT

There is something very important that many people misunderstand about courage. Courage does not mean that you power on through your life and without being gentle and sensitive with yourself and your feelings.

There is a way of being courageous, yet be completely in touch with your feelings and still taking action, even through your feelings may be screaming, “don’t do this” or “this hurts”. When you are able to spend a little bit of time just being with your fear, using some specific awareness practices, your fear can expand into a powerful energy you can use to propel you forward.

After doing this several times you will become more comfortable with the process of being bold and courageous in the face of your strong feelings. And you will begin to notice that your feelings aren’t as strong anymore and you are able to use their energy positively. You will become more comfortable and confident if you ever encounter that same pit in your stomach that used to stop you cold.

I hope you are beginning to see that cultivating the virtue of courage is imperative to living a life you love. If you want health, wealth, success or love–Courage is your access. I support each of you becoming comfortable with the process of moving through fear in your life.

For the rest of your life, there will always be things that bring up fear. At the end of your life it will be there again, one more chance to fear the inevitable. You can fear your death, or step into the experience courageously.

Learning the virtue of courage will serve you for the rest of your life.
If you know someone who is stuck in some area of their life, please forward this to them. Maybe this article will be the encouragement they need to get their life in motion.

Top 7 Reasons People Firewalk

The following is what inspires people to attend a firewalk for the first time. No one reason is any better than another. What I hear from experienced firewalkers is that they frequently get what they come for, and in many cases get something completely unexpected. I am continually impressed that the Firewalk experience is such a rich experience for people.

  1. Courage – Powerful Action in the Face of Fear
    This is what consistently entices the most people to attend a firewalk. I've written an entire article about this that I will send in a few days.
  2. Empowerment to Transform Life
    A Firewalk Experience can be like a booster shot to give you the keys to transform your life. For example, people have given up bad habits or manifested large amounts of money in short periods of time. Some people say they are looking for courage and empowerment to end a bad relationship or improve quality of a current relationship.
  3. Sacred Ceremony
    Many people come to the fire in a sacred manner looking for a deeper level of heart, soul, trust, and openness in their life. They may heal a past hurt or wound or connect in a profound way with something they consider god or sacred.
  4. Expand Vision and Dreams of what is Possible
    Remove the constraints and limitations that keep your Vision and Dreams small. So many times we think we can't have what we want because of our past experience or failures. People realize they haven't dreamed big enough and are looking to create a vision for their life that inspires them every day and calls them into action.
  5. Shift in Perceived Limitations of the Physical World
    Many times I hear people boldly exclaim, “I walked on fire, I can do anything I put my mind to”. This is very true and a great place to be. This realization allows a person to approach any area of their life with enthusiasm and power.
  6. Practice Using Power of Intention
    Many people are already familiar with the power of intention to live a successful life. When they hear about Firewalking, they want to discover if it is their positive intention that enables their safety.
  7. Try Something New
    Firewalk is fun, and there is always a few people at a firewalk who just love to try new things and experience all the joys and beauty of life in every form. They find the idea of firewalking very curious and always up for a good time. They walk in fun and celebration.

Firewalk: Initiation into Warriorhood

They key to warriorhood is your ability to accept your death. Eventually we will all die including everyone we love and care about. Or in our closest relationships someone may leave or go away because you have grown apart or whatever the reason. Either way, love and loss is a normal part of life and something a true warrior embraces and accepts the fear of those things happening when faced with it Also, a warrior is free from the past constraints and fully present to what is going on in the moment. She (or he) is able to apply her training and wisdom into immediate and decisive action as the situation calls forth.
If you watched the most recent Star Wars you will see how Anikan Skywalker's resistence to potentially loosing his precious wife ended up being the cause of her death and the drive that turned him to the Dark Side, and his evolution to Darth Vader. In contrast, the other Jedi masters had learned that when someone passes on they can still be with you, just in a different form. They accepted this as the way life is. Anikan wanted to cheat death in order to prevent himself from suffering again after someone he loves dies. He suffered when his mom had died, and he would not accept facing that experience again. A better path for Anikan would have been to do his best to save her, but not just for his own sake or to prevent the grief he didn't want to bear. Rather to do it for her sake and as a natural response to his love for her. A warrior offers his life in service to the ones he cares about, not just for personal gain or merely self interests. This is the path of Huna and every spiritual teaching that is worth embodying. And always remember that a Warrior always fights for something and never against something. For "we become what we hate."
Now once you have accepted life as it is, how would you choose to live? How free would you be to live a life you love and express the passions wanting to come out? You could actually pursue what you choose more fully and courageously because you didn't fear the loss of someone or something. Or you could start that business or make that investment because you can see that these things eventually pass away, too. This freedom allows for more fun and contribution because you are not holding back. You still face fear and you weigh the risks before you enter, but with courage to act inspite of it. You could be fully present to a situation and handle whatever occurred because you have embraced life how it is.
Preparation: So with the firewalk, i encourage you to come with an openness to explore what is in it for you. The opportunity i am presenting is a path towards a fully integrated life, where all the facets of yourself; your body, mind, spirit and soul come into harmony and single focus. From this place a type of divine inspiration will flow through you. In the firewalk there are some risks to accept and bold action to take. Consider what areas of your life you would like a breakthrough in and all the obstacle and reason you have that are holding you back from having it. We will work with this during the ceremony.
There is no obligation or pressure to walk through the fire during the ceremony. Sometimes, it takes more courage not to walk even though others you know already did it. During the ceremony you will have the chance to distinguish the voice of fear and the still small voice of guidance. It is that same small voice that will call you to the fire. Only walk if the opportunity opens up to you.
The firewalk experience can be a powerful "anchor" to support you in overcoming fear or doubt when it shows up in your life. It also shatters limitation regarding what you can image your life to be. Maybe you have not been dreaming as big as you would like because these big dreams seemed impossible to achieve. Or maybe the dream or vision is attainable, but you can imagine it coming with much more ease. The firewalk becomes a metaphor for you life. You can create your life with the same power, focus, clarity, and guidance as you did during the firewalk. We will be exploring ancient wisdom that will help you clarify what you want and live powerfully into this vision. You will learn how to hold this vision every day, and nurture it and grow it into the reality with faith, gratitude and prayer.
Preparation: Consider the question, "If time, money, energy and resources were not an obstacle, what you do? Who would you be?"

After the Firewalk…What Next?

The Laws of the Universe
by Michael McDermott (aka Kahuna Paka)

Now that you’ve firewalked, what next?

“You do not get rich by doing certain things, you get rich by doing things in a certain way.” — Wallace D. Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich, 1903.

The firewalk is a powerful tool, giving you a reference point, an “anchor” which you can use at any time in your life to walk through any fear or doubt.

There are laws of the universe that are as certain and scientific in their effects as the law of gravity. The firewalk is a marvelous tool. However, it’s not enough to just use the firewalk to be able to face and walk through your doubt and fear. If you want to cause the creation of your vision rapidly you must become aware of, and consciously start using the laws of the universe along with the tool of the firewalk. This conscious use of the laws of the universe will launch you into a new dimension, a higher frequency of vibration, which will enable you to move forward in a Quantum Leap, causing the creation of whatever you want to create in your life.

How can you create your vision, now that you have the firewalk under your belt as an “anchor” to face and walk through your fear?

There are seven laws of energy that Bob Proctor talks about in “The Science of Getting Rich.” Every one of these laws is vitally important and these laws expand and expound upon the one great law, namely “Energy Is.”

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

We are thinking beings. Consciousness is forever expanding. We are creative beings, which means that one thought leads to another and we can’t stop thinking. The creation of thought goes on in an endless cycle as automatically as breathing.

If the thoughts we think are negative and fearful, we get doubt and fear as a result, which causes a pulling back in our action, and the result is lack and limitation.

If the thoughts we think are positive, we get attuned to the law of FAITH, which helps us move forward in our lives. Living and taking action with full faith and purpose is a part of creating everything we want in life. But we must come to full knowledge and practice of the principles and laws of the universe to get to where we want to go.

How can we stay positive in a world that sometimes appears to be so negative?

The first step is to know what we want and begin to focus on it every day. I’m going to suggest that you write a goal down, perhaps on a 3 x 5 card. Carry it will you every day. Look at that card and read that card over many times every single day. That will help you stay focused on the vision of what you want to create in your life.

What we focus on expands. Spend time every day focusing on your dreams and your visions. Keep the bright promise of the fulfillment of your dreams and visions very strong and constant in your mind. It’s the conscious use of the law of cause and effect that will bring about the creation of whatever it is that you want. It must come to pass. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow
Rich, said “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Think about that. Now, ask yourself the question, what do I want? What do you really want? Make a decision right now, that you aren’t going to waste one more day creating things you don’t want in your life. Decide what you want. Make a decision to go for your dreams. Step boldly into a new dimension of thought and being. Make this a quantum leap. Go ahead and create your bright visions. And don’t be afraid to think and dream BIG.

I will get more into the 7 laws of the universe, and in particular the Law of Perpetual Transmutation in my next email.


Michael McDermott (aka Kahuna Paka)
You can download "The Science of Getting Rich" here…