Firewalking Experience – Commitment Breakthrough Sept. 19th, 2009


To Entrepreneurs and Leaders in the
Wellness, Empowerment and Eco-Friendly industrries:

Are you 100% committed and in action now to move your business and results to the next level?

Do those who work for you or involved with your projects have the same level of commitment?

Entrepreneurs & Leaders !!!


Now is the time for a Breakthrough in your Business or Cause

…to move what has been stuck,

overcome the obstacles that have held you back,

and generate the level of commitment

needed by you and your team to produce the results you say you want


How Strong is Your Commitment?
How Strong is Your Commitment?
Don't Try to Make It Alone!
Don't Try to Make It Alone!

Generate 100% Commitment to your Business or Cause Now (Firewalk September 19th)

On Sept 19th, there will be a 5 hours Firewalk training tailored to the needs of entrepreneurs, leaders and people involved with wellness, empowerment, and eco-friendly industries.

Here is an overview of what will happen

  1. You will work with like minded people in your industry to expand your commitment and identify what blocks you from producing the results you want
  2. This obstacle will get shattered during the course of the evening
  3. You will identify and commit to the most important action(s) that will make the biggest difference to cause the results you want now. You will have an opportunity to create acountability structure during the evening.
  4. You will be outrageous and unstoppable in completing those actions powerfully and quickly and generating more income and production right now

If you are responsible for the performance of other people, or facilitate a network or team of people up to important things, consider inviting them to this event. I promise they will have a breakthrough in productivity and accomplishment


Event Details

Date: September 19th, 2009
Time: 4:00-9:15pm
Location: San Diego area



$175 per person

  • I still value my 1st Firewalk experience at $500, for how it helped reshape the direction of my life and stay in action.
  • Talk to the person referring you here for potential tuition discounts.

$25 per person (for former Firewalkers of the San Diego Firewalker's Club)

  • Please reply to this email and request to the discount code to use


1. Fill out the Registration form below indicating you want to attend. You will get a reminder closer to the event

2. After you Register you will be directed to site to make Payment for your ticket.

A portion of the proceeds will be going to several health and environmental non-profit organizations involved with the event

More About Firewalking

For hundreds of years, the Firewalking ceremony was a rite of initiation for communities to celebrate and empower their tribes or villages. The principles still apply today and are empowering people to make a difference and help ignite San Diego's economy.

Here are the experiences many people have have reported from Firewalking :

  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set an intentions and direction that inspire and motivate
  • More courage and power to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projects
  • Opening to experience love and compassion
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

Here is further reading on the Top 7 Benefits of Firewalk

About the Firewalk Leader: Julian D. Bergquist is an ordained Huna Firewalking Priest, workshop leader and coach. He is passionate about facilitating breakthroughs that result in improved communication in business, intimate relationships and with oneself.

Industry Leaders will facilitate 60 min breakout sessions in their specialized industry.

Industries and Causes include:

  • Wellness Coaching
  • The Birth Experience
  • Artists Selling their Art
  • Creating Vibrant & Clean Ocean
  • Green Energy & Construction
  • Women's Wellness
  • Spiritual Empowerment for Women
  • Several Networking Groups

Transform Your Business Future Now

This Firewalking is now past

Focus on the Best


Mastering Fear: The Ultimate Challenge

by Steven Bisyak & Michael McDermott

(pg 143-146)

A positive focus in your life can take many forms. For instance

  • personal growth
  • success
  • high self-esteem
  • enjoying life
  • loving yourself and others more
  • making more money
  • getting all you want out of life

The quality of your experience in life is the direct result of where your focus is. When you focus only on "what if's" and negative pictures of disasters in your future, it destroys your enjoyment of the moment. Letting go of fear means empowering yourself to have more fun in life. When you focus on the best, it allows you to take action. Fear cannot limit you.

It all you can think of is ''What would my mother say?" shift your focus. If you can't think of one positive thing to focus on, find something in your field of vision and focus your mind on that. For instance, it could be a person, a tree, or a rock. It doesn't matter.

The point is, if you're paying 100% attention, you're only capable of focusing your mind on one thing at a time. If you focus on something other than your fear or negativity, that fear ceases to exist for you the moment you shift your focus.

Unless something is in your mind, it doesn't exist for you in that moment. It can't be a part of your reality unless you consciously perceive it or call it to mind by remembering it.

Pay attention
To what you see
For what you perceive is your

Michael McDermott

A monk was walking on a path in a jungle. Pretty soon a tiger started chasing him. The faster he ran, the faster the tiger ran. Soon the tiger joined two other tigers, who entered the chase. The monk ran over to the edge of a cliff and grabbed on to a vine. As he hung on to the vine, he saw below him three tigers waiting for him to fall. Just then, a rat came to the edge of the cliff and began chewing through the vine that the monk was holding on to.

In that moment. the monk glanced up and saw a small strawberry. Just before he fell from the cliff, he popped the strawberry into his mouth. He enjoyed that strawberry so much that he didn't even mind falling off the cliff and being eaten by the tigers!

The moral of the story is: The monk had practiced meditation all his life. Because of this, he had the ability to pay 100% attention. By paying 100% attention to the experience of the strawberry in his mouth, everything else ceased to exist for him in that moment. When he popped the strawberry into his mouth, the tigers disappeared, and the fear vanished. He became one with the experience of eating the strawberry and everything else, in his perception, ceased to exist.

Focus is determination. When you break a brick, you realize it's possible that you could pulverize your hand. So you accept that possibility. Then you focus your mind on the best. You visualize the brick breaking in half, and you see your hand going completely through It. You determine
the outcome by your focus. Believe in yourself 100%. You have to be 100% committed and you can't just try. Nobody ever did anything by "trying. There's a world of difference between trying and doing.

Focus is like a laser beam. When light is diffused, it has little power it's very weak, like a fluorescent light. Focus those same light rays into a laser beam, and you can cut through the toughest diamond with that focused light! A laser beam is focused, and it can penetrate anything because the rays are focused. Your mind is like that. Intelligence, power, and ability are direct results of mental focus or concentration.

Concentration, focusing your mind and believing in yourself 100%, is the key to success, whether you're breaking a brick or meeting a challenge on the job. Put emotion behind your focus. Bending rebar takes that kind of focus. When you're standing with the sharp end of a rebar against your throat, you realize it could puncture your throat. It could puncture your windpipe and lacerate your spine. You could get a tracheotomy! It can be very scary.

Focusing is like flipping a switch in your mind. You focus on the center of the bar, think "bend," and go for it. You have to give it 100% commitment or it just will not happen.

Focusing on the best helps you tremendously! It will give you the ability to accomplish whatever you want to in life! You can have successful relationships, make more money, and achieve success. Spend some time each day focusing on positive outcomes for all the problems that come up from time to time in your life. Focus on the best that can possibly happen and it probably will!

Life is a Firewalk


Mastering Fear: The Ultimate Challenge

by Steven Bisyak & Michael McDermott

pg  104-107

The firewalk has been a major tool in most of the dramatic transforrnations I've seen. One example that comes to mind is a young single woman who was living on welfare with her two toddlers. Her first firewalk was a jaunt across a 50-foot-long cinder bed of fiery embers. That's pretty unusual for a first-time firewalk. Most firewalks are no longer than 12 feet-20 feet at the most. When I saw this lady walk over 50 feet of hot coals on her very first walk, I was impressed. "This is a pretty gutsy lady," I thought.

As the months rolled by, she joined us for a number of other firewalks. She even attended the one in 1987 where we set the Guinness Book of World Records for the world's hottest firewalk. That was her last firewalk. I recall her saying she intended to take the principles of the firewalk and apply those principles to all areas of her life.

She went back to school and graduated from college with a 4.0 grade point average! She's no longer living on welfare. She's now happily married. She and her husband have three kids. Her transformation was remarkable. She went from being on welfare to graduating from college with honors. She didn't let fear limit her. She had the courage not only to think about walking on fire, she actually did it. Then she applied the principles she used to walk on fire to create the life of her dreams. She put more to life and she got more out of life.

With long-term exposure to the firewalk, you realize that the firewalk is only a metaphor. A metaphor is an analogy in which one idea or activity represents another, something that stands for something else. Firewalking represents your life. We "firewalk" every day of our lives by facing fear and meeting the challenges life has to offer.

I've heard people say, "No, I don't want to do that." Later they change their minds and attend a firewalking seminar. Sometimes you hear people say, "I have no desire to do that. You won't get me to do that in a million years." In a firewalking workshop, people learn how to master their states of mind. When the mind is conquered, the emotions are in check and you can walk on fire. You can use the same techniques to achieve anything you want
to achieve in life.

One of the biggest challenges I face is getting past people's fears and prejudices. Firewalking produces RESULTS in people's lives. Most people are so conditioned to fear the fire that they react when you bring up "firewalking." They aren't really listening because they're reacting emotionally out of fear and old programming. The key to the whole thing is an open mind, allowing for the possibilities. Techniques that allow people to walk on fire directly apply to achievement in all areas of people's lives. This book is an attempt to turn people on to the world of possibilities waiting for them at the firewalk.

The Fire of Transformation

The Same Fire That Burns the Wood

Hardens the Steel

… Step Into the Fire

Tony Robbins vs Live Powerfully Firewalk Experience

I've been firewalking for almost a decade now, and leading Firewalks for over 5 years.

I was reflecting the other day about the key differences between a Tony Robbins Firewalk and the ones I facilitate.

  • Watch the fire burn for the entire event. The process of watching the fire be lit and then burn to coals is a powerful experience.  The entire training is usually done around the fire.
  • More hands on training and mentoring from the Firewalk facilitators and leader
  • Focused training and breakthrough in a specific area of business, not just a generic breakthrough in fear
  • Plenty of time to be with the experience and firewalk multiple times. Since our groups are almost always fewer than 100 people, you have  plenty of space to process your experience before Firewalking, rather than getting your "20 seconds of fame".  And then you can firewalk as many tiemes as you want.

Firewalking Intro: Ignite New Economy and Fulfill Dreams Now!!!

Power, Freedom, Abundance.

This is Julian Bergquist with Live Powerfully Training. We empower Entrepreneurs to ignite the New Economy and Fulfill their Dreams Now.

Firewalking has been a rite of passage in many cultures for hundreds of years to empower people, test their faith, and celebrate new beginnings. Now the firewalk is a tool to empower modern people with what we are dealing with in the 21st Century.

I am working with a group of business leaders who offer this firewalking experience to help entrepreneurs be unstopped by their fears and worries and have breakthrough after breakthrough in business and life.

  • We help them be clear and decisive in choosing their ideal market
  • Create excitement and buzz about their business.
  • Eliminate resistance to selling
  • Step into their power and greatness to be industry leaders
  • And probably most important to enjoy a balanced home and family life

The entrepreneur and solo-preneurs are the engines in this new economy and leading the way. Now is the time for people with passion and big dreams, to reach for them now…and enjoy the results of their creation.

Firewalk Video from May 1st


Here is video that Vincent J Kellsey posted from the Firewalk he led in San Diego May 1st, 2009.


Lots of fun, high energy.

Cheri Tree: "We are right here at the beach with the fire behind us that we are getting ready to firewalk on. This is awesome. It is hot, the back of us is already burning up over here.

Here is the bottom line…When you come to Quattro, we are going to burn your past, we are going to create possibility for your future. That is exactly what is going to happen here tonight."


Firewalking Experience for San Diego Tourism by Bill

Bill Rocco owns San Diego's Best Yacht Mainteance and Dive Shop businesses.

Business 1: They maintain hundreds of Yachts at the Marinas in San Diego Bay

Business 2: They have a large selection of diving equipment and they offer guided dives and hands-on training and courses, and equipment repaire for divers in the San Diego area.

What I got from my firewalking experience was an incredible sense of conquering fear. I went to the firewalk to see if I could conquer the obvious fear and with the help and guidance of the coaches, Julian and Kevin, I accomplished the mission at hand, firewalking on hot coals in my bare feet.

What I see possible from this experience is that I can accomplish anything in life I choose. I also see the value in choosing coaches and teammates to accomplish conquering that which I fear. Julian and Kevin offered sound advice and experience to the firewalking and the rest of the participants offered confidence in that they were all doing the firewalk themselves for the first time. Overall it was an extremely powerful and empowering experience and I would recommend Julian as a leader to any of my friends who want to have their first firewalking experience.

Bill Rocco
Owner of :

Aquarius Yacht Service
Aquarius Yacht – San Diego's Best Yacht Maintenance

Firewalk and the New Economy by Patrick

Patrick was teaching and leading people on a small scale. Now he has targeted higher levels of management.

Here are the biggest things I take away from the 2 firewalks I did with you.

The first firewalk I saw how I do everything in life. A blind faith, lock and load, lets go…what the hey. And in seeing that I can actually be responsible for that and ask myself if I am dong that same thing again. Its ok to jump into things, some things. But others need more due diligence. Since the first firewalk I do take a moment to be sure or to get clear on what it is I am doing.

The second firewalk was cool because it took almost a month for the result to show up. I had wanted to blow the top off of my earning potential. But right after the firewalk I was still wallowing in what was a ceiling on my pay. I saw different ways of expanding the areas to make the money, but not to actually make more money. I was frustrated and one day I was thinking about how at the firewalk I had seen some simple ways to make more money, but it still had a cap, just a little wider cap then now. Once I saw this, I was clear what to do. Get an MBA. I am currently registered and will start classes on Sept 8th. I now see the cap being removed and I can do much more with my assets than I could before.


Leadership Firewalk Experience by Annie

Annie came to firewalk looking for a breakthrough in leadership and service. She also wanted a new relationship with fire because she had fear of fire.

Hi Julian
What is clear for me is that I am meditating with more focus. And, I can see that I need to make some choices because I cannot do everything I say I am committed to. I am looking at what is really important to me so I can be focused and successful. Before the firewalk it was not clear to me that I was not focused sufficiently to accomplish my goals. Something must go. I'll write more when I decide what firewalk is.

Regarding my relationship to fire. Well, it is my friend now.

Annie H.

Firewalk Experience by William Traenkle High Tech

Will Traenkle is an IT business owner who provides Computer Support, Network Design, Internet Hosting and Managed Services. This is a great place to go if you need web hosting.

The firewalk experience is a perfect analogy for how we experience life. It is the best exercise that I have practiced to anchor how I approach challenges in my life and how I am able to overcome those challenges with power, clarity, and focus by simply being who I really am. It has enabled me to reach a higher level of awareness of who I am and how I may live a powerful life that I love. I recommend Julian’s firewalk experience to anyone who desires clarity and wants access to their true power within.


William Traenkle

Tranquilnet IT Solutions
"Keeping You Calm and Connected"