Marketing Buzz Firewalk Experience by Tracy

Tracy is creating a healing and wellness retreat center: experienced firewalk

Julian has been great!! This was my second firewalk but by far the most transformational. I have been able to take action on the very things I have struggled to accomplish for years as a direct result of Julian's firewalk coaching, the firewalk experience, and the connections I have found because of him. Thank you Julian for everything you do. Scott and I both felt such a profound connection with you that we see ourselves knowing you, working with you, and co-creating with you for many, many years to come.

Tracy Merritt

Firewalk Experience by John the Healer

John Dorr is a shaman and healer from Minnesota has Firewalk Experience.

1 Week Later:

I sincerely appreciate having had the opportunity to do the firewalk with you and the rest of the group.  For me, both you and the group made it the perfect experience.  While I was not there for the business aspect of doing the firewalk, it was a very significant experience.  It was sort of a jump-start of this important shamanic journey committed as a Healer

Again, thank you all for a very timely and perfect experience.

Namaste, John

6 Weeks Later:

Looking back the firewalk helped me in several ways.  Most importantly, it has helped me to concentrate and focus on a particular goal.  When I am having trouble staying with a an idea, subject or thought, I recall doing the firewalk and focusing on the goal at the end of the fire and I am able to block out all my distractions and regain my focus.

Thank you again for the opportunity.  I had been wanting to do it for several years but never had the opportunity.

Take care,


"We are all children of the same universe.
Be at peace with your God, whatever you perceive him to be.
All that we are is a product of our thoughts.
Do not count your successes by the crops you reap but by the seeds you sew."

Firewalking and MLM by Tommy J

Tommy J has Firewalk 3 times. Though I don't usually encourage kids under the age of 18 to Firewalking, I allow it if they are very drawn to do it and the parents support it and take 100% responsibility for them.

I don’t know how to quantify how firewalking has helped me and my family. Since our family has done firewalking I have gotten divorced & my son took his 5th trip to the hospital. I have not drawn on the firewalking experience to help me through tough issues or even to motivate me to achieve anything. The most significant aspect of the whole experience to me was observing my monkey when I came to firewalk for the second time. That time I had helped make the fire and was very connected to it & the physics of it. My monkey was well aware of the danger associated with the fire, my monkey was afraid of the fire and especially of the thought of walking through it. In the end I spanked the monkey and pushed him through the fire, but it was very interesting to watch his reactions. I must say it has served to demonstrate to me that I have a monkey, not that the monkey has me.

After the 2nd Son Firewalked:

Firewalking has had a profound effect on our family. As you know I have two Special Needs kids who have been dealing with devastating emotional issues. Both of my boys have walked through fire under your guidance. This have given them an expanded understanding of their personal power and their ability to move through other emotional blocks. Both boys have made tremendous progress since their experiences with you. After All, how difficult can group therapy be after you have walked through fire, Right?

Thanks for supporting my kids

Tommy J., Marketer

Marketing Buzz Firewalking Experience by Miche & Phoenix

Miche and Phoenix started the first organization to cleanup the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The GPGP is an enormous collecting grounds of trash and plastic in the middle of the Ocean that harms wildlife and toxifies our food chain. Has experienced firewalking :
Firewalking is AWESOME!  We busted through barriers of fear, self-doubt, hesitancy & even terror– freeing ourselves to be in powerful ACTION to fulfill our life passions!
For immediate results, Do Firewalking !


Miche Walsh & Phoenix Grace
Act Globally, Think Universally, Inc.
San Diego, CA