Huna Firewalking Ceremony – March 21st, 2009

The Huna "Umu Ki" Firewalking Ceremony

Practiced for hundreds of years throughout Polynesia, the sacred Umu Ki ceremony continues to be a source of Faith and Inspiration. The Umu Ki ceremony, held on the Makahiki, the Huna New Year, provides the opportunity to experience a demonstration of the righteousness of your Faithwalk, whatever that may be.

It is a Warrior's Walk as you come face to face with your fears as you surrender to the awsome power of your Divine Nature or Aumakua. Initiation into the Huna Heiau's Umu Ki  Firewalking enables you to live according to Huna principles as you learn to set intentions, follow-through, no matter the outcome. The Umu Ki Initiation focuses on the core principles of Huna to:

  1. Make a decision for what you want
  2. Set an intention  to do your part to achieve it
  3. Invite your Aumakua or Divine Nature to open the Way

The Huna Firewalking is the culmination of ceremonies that ready you to Invite your Aumakua to walk with you across the hot coals, as your Three Selves are in Lokahi, or a state of Enlightenment.

Some people have reported:

  • Improved ability to make decisions under pressure
  • Ability to set intentions that inspire and motivate
  • More courage to act in the face of fear
  • Ability to follow through on worthy projectso
  • Opening to experience Aloha
  • Release of the past while stepping into the new
  • Experience of a profound sense of community

Date: March 21st, 2009
Time: 5-9pm
Location: San Francisco area
Suggested Donation: $25

Firewalk Leaders:

Julian D. Bergquist


Please RSVP if you will be attending by completing the form below. You will receive a follow up email with the address and map to site, and some additional pre-event instructions.